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Does Feitian reader support android and provide PCSC API under android

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Does Feitian reader support android and provide PCSC API under android

Post by capuccino » Mon May 22, 2017 4:47 am

Hi Sir

To using Feitiann bR301 reader under Android, I saw the GITHUB( ... DK_Latest/)mentioned the SDK, can please let me know do you have PCSC compliance SDK under Android, then we can build our app without change code, is that possible?

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Re: Does Feitian reader support android and provide PCSC API under android

Post by Hooben » Thu Dec 07, 2017 11:01 pm

Possible to do it, but currently only provide PCSC with OTG connection, if you need Bluetooth one, we haven't release yet.
Once done, will let you know.

Or you can add watching below repository: ... d_PCSC_SDK

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