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The questions of LibSC RFID Reader Kit

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The questions of LibSC RFID Reader Kit

Post by ArduinoStudy » Tue Apr 27, 2021 3:01 am

hello everyone,
I'm a beginner of study Arduino, I bougnt the LibSC RFID Reader Kit product from this online store.
In the process of verify the LibSC_RF_Reader.ino project, but it failed.
It prompt 'fatal error: LibSC_Reader.h: No such file or directory' , but in my file directory, it exists.
Is there anyone had the same problem ?

The Arduion is the latest version of Arduino-1.8.13-Windows, and it not need installation.
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Re: The questions of LibSC RFID Reader Kit

Post by ArduinoStudy » Tue May 25, 2021 5:47 am

It so glad that I solved the problem by myself.

If the Arduino tool not need installation, there is no installation path.

In the process of 'Install MFRC522 Library' ,it needs to copy the 'MFRC522' directory to 'C:\Users\***\Documents\Arduino\libraries'.
Then I open the LibSC_RF_ReaderEx.Ino project according to the operation method in GitHub, compile and upload it to the Arduino board, it will successful.
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