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APDU Command VERIFY returns 6a88

Posted: Tue Jul 14, 2020 7:11 pm
by michgomo08
Hi all,

I have a FEITIAN bR301 reader and i am trying to run the VERIFY APDU command but the result is 6a88 (Referenced data not found).

The Card used is a NXP smart card.

My PIN is "012345" and based on some examples my command APDU is:

00 20 00 00 06 30 31 32 33 34 35

I hope the answer is 9000 but it is 6a88

This is the code:

String sendStr = "0020000006303132333435";
byte[] send = Utility.hexStrToBytes(sendStr);
byte[] recv = ftReader.readerXfr(0, send);
showLog("send response ---> "+Utility.bytes2HexStr(recv));

The result is: send response ---> 6a88

I have a desktop java system, which works correctly with PIN validation and digital signature, using PKCS11 (with the drivers of another reader). Now we want to make an app for this process, so we acquired the FEITIAN bR301 reader, but it gives me the error described when wanting to validate the PIN.

The vendor of the reader recommended me to look for documentation on the card, and that before executing the verify command I had to execute the select command and other information, but honestly I did not understand this very well.

I wanted to know if you have any documentation that can help me.

I really appreciate in advance any help you can give me.
