What can Development Kit do?
The developement kit lets you quickly and easily develop Java Card Applet. It also provides a great set of tools for java card developers, such as JCIDE and pyApdutool.
JCIDE is an Integrated Development Environment designed specifically for the Java Card programming language.
- Write code faster
- Find and fix bugs quickly
- Navigate code with ease
- Edit with visual studio key bindings
Some Feature:
Code Intelligence
Auto-completion, call tips, goto-definition, find uses, source browser, code indices, and symbol lookup.
Powerful Editor
Visual studio key bindings, bookmarks, variable highlighting powerful search tools, and much more.
Graphical Debugger
Debug shell, set breakpoints, step, local view, call stack, memory, byte code.
Integration Testing
1. Executing scripts through debug shell.
2. Allow any PC/SC compliant application connect to JCIDE and receive response from JCIDE with integrated virtual PC/SC interface.
pyApdutool is an PC/SC compliant application.
The pyApdutool is a handy tool which can communicate with the card via the reader connected to PC. It is a PC/SC compliant application.
The Feature:
- Communicate with the card
- Manage the packages/applets in the card
- Integration Testing
- Lookup SW
Products Release:
- Click here for more information.