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.net programming for developing applet

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.net programming for developing applet

Post by misaq » Tue Mar 27, 2018 9:25 am

hello everybody
i am new in applet programming
my question is clear
is there any way to develop applets with .net languages ? such as c# and...?
can i create cap file directly with reverse engineering or something?
or i should create APDU file and create CAP using it?

i googled my problem a lot. i find some documents about cap file format but im not sure that is my solution

thanks a lot

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Re: .net programming for developing applet

Post by Ponele » Wed Mar 28, 2018 11:02 pm

Both Gemalto and Feitian have .net card product several years ago, but I suggest that you preferre to use javacard .
Learning java language is easy for a .net programmer.
Choosing a javacard product is feasible, a .net product may be more expensive ,lead time and less technical materials .

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Re: .net programming for developing applet

Post by zxt12300 » Thu Dec 20, 2018 10:59 pm

Javacard is popular, .Net card is not a good selection.

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Re: .net programming for developing applet

Post by owlstead » Sun Jan 27, 2019 6:03 pm

.NET card for me is a (another) failed attempt by Microsoft to copy popular frameworks and technologies and make it their own. As far as I understood, it required quite heavy hardware (particularly memory), which is not a good idea in a market where each cent (*literally*!) counts. It is one of the reasons why the Java Card Connect edition has failed up to now. I mean: high end cards still have 8-10KiB of RAM (!).

Although I can see that C# would could have certain advantages, the step from Java to Java Card is probably less of a step from C# to Java. Note that C# to a large extend is a rather *successful* attempt to copy Java, after they were forced to abandon their own version of the language :)

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Re: .net programming for developing applet

Post by Sakshi8574 » Sat Jun 20, 2020 2:03 am

I'm looking for something like that

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