Our Online Store have the new products: RFID antenna board. Currently it can work with JC10M24R and JCOP4 card chips.
Compared with normal cards, the antenna board module has a smaller size and fixed holes, which is easy to integrate in the IOT(Internet Of Things) project.

Smart Card Solutions - GidsAPP and Loyalty Card

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Smart Card Solutions - GidsAPP and Loyalty Card

Post by admin » Thu Jan 12, 2017 3:08 am

Dear All,

We are excited to introduce two smart card solutions to you, which offer much higher security mechanism for the enterprise and individuality.

1. GidsApp
GidsApp solution is widely used in identification field. GidsApp can help to ensure user identity and the integrity of digital information. It can be used without driver installation since windows 7 SP1. Here is the introduction about how to download and configure GidsApp on smart card and how to add digital signatures in Office document with this solution.

2. Loyalty Card
Loyalty Card is a kind of digital wallet, which is a popular marketing strategy in current commercial activities.It can encourage your customers to keep shopping at your businesses. This solution only shows some simple functions of Loyalty Card. If you have concrete requirement, please contact us at javacardos@gmail.com.

Any question or feedback with these smart card solutions, kindly feel free to get in touch with javacardos@gmail.com!

-The JavaCardOS Team

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