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Problem building PyResMan 3.1

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Problem building PyResMan 3.1

Post by Broutchlag » Thu Dec 08, 2016 10:34 am

I a trying to enhance PyResMan 3.1, but I cannot build it on Windows 7. :(
There seem to be many dependencies step (applications, extensions, DLLs, ...).
Some of the packages are also versioned and not all are compatible with this version of pyResMan.
Is there a "step by step" document that describes how to get and compile all the dependencies and the final application ?
The same with the sources of all these objects from which PyResMan depends on.


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Re: Problem building PyResMan 3.1

Post by UNKNwYSHSA » Thu Dec 08, 2016 11:33 pm

What is the error you got when building?
And you can use it with released executable binary, you don't have to build it.
sense and simplicity

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