Smart Card Solution
User Manual
- R502 Manual
JavaCard API Samples
- Algorithm
Java Card Specification
Knowledge Sharing
Smart Card Solution
User Manual
JavaCard API Samples
Java Card Specification
Knowledge Sharing
The class_descriptor_info structure is used to describe a class or interface defined in this package:
The items of the class_descriptor_info structure are as follows:
The token item represents the class token ( Section, Classes and Interfaces) of this class or interface. If this class or interface is package-visible it does not have a token assigned. In this case the value of the token item must be 0xFF.
The access_flags item is a mask of modifiers used to describe the access permission to and properties of this class or interface. The access_flags modifiers for classes and interfaces are shown in the following table.
The class access and modifier flags defined in the table above are a subset of those defined for classes and interfaces in a Java class file. They have the same meaning, and are set under the same conditions, as the corresponding flags in a Java class file.
All other flag values are reserved. Their values must be zero.
The this_class_ref item is a class_ref structure indicating the location of the class_info structure in the Class Component ( Section 6.8, Class Component). The class_ref structure is defined as part of the CONSTANT_Classref_info structure ( Section 6.7.1, CONSTANT_Classref).
The interface_count item represents the number of entries in the interfaces array. For an interface, interface_count is always set to zero.
The field_count item represents the number of entries in the fields array. If this class_descriptor_info structure represents an interface, the value of the field_count item is equal to zero.
Static final fields of primitive types are not represented as fields in a CAP file, but instead these compile-time constants are placed inline in bytecode sequences. The field_count item does not include static final field of primitive types defined by this class.
The method_count item represents the number of entries in the methods array.
The interfaces item represents an array of interfaces implemented by this class. The elements in the array are class_ref structures indicating the location of the interface_info structure in the Class Component ( Section 6.8, Class Component). The class_ref structure is defined as part of the CONSTANT_Classref_info structure ( Section 6.7.1, CONSTANT_Classref).
The fields item represents an array of field_descriptor_info structures. Each field declared by this class is represented in the array, except static final fields of primitive types. Inherited fields are not included in the array.
The methods item represents an array of method_descriptor_info structures. Each method declared or defined by this class or interface is represented in the array. For a class, inherited methods are not included in the array. For an interface, inherited methods are included in the array.