Smart Card Solution
User Manual
- R502 Manual
JavaCard API Samples
- Algorithm
Java Card Specification
Knowledge Sharing
Smart Card Solution
User Manual
JavaCard API Samples
Java Card Specification
Knowledge Sharing
This section specifies the format for the Debug Component. The Debug Component contains all the metadata necessary for debugging a package on a suitably instrumented Java Card virtual machine. It is not required for executing Java Card programs in a non-debug environment.
The Debug Component references the Class Component ( Section 6.8, Class Component), Method Component ( Section 6.9, Method Component), and Static Field Component ( Section 6.10, Static Field Component). No components reference the Debug Component.
The Debug Component is represented by the following structure:
The items in the debug_component structure are defined as follows:
The tag item has the value COMPONENT_Debug (12).
The number of bytes in the component, excluding the tag and size items. The value of size must be greater than zero.
The number of strings in the strings_table[] table.
A table of all the strings used in this component. Various items that occur through this component represent unsigned two-byte indices into this table.
Each entry in the table is a utf8_info structure. A utf8_info structure is represented by the following structure:
The items in the utf8_info structure are defined as follows:
The number of bytes in the string.
The bytes of the string in UTF-8 format.
Contains an index into the strings_table[] item. The strings_table[] item entry referenced by this index must contain the fully-qualified name of the package in this CAP file.
The number of classes in the classes table.
Contains a single class_debug_info[] structure for each class in this package.