Smart Card Solution
User Manual
- R502 Manual
JavaCard API Samples
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Java Card Specification
Knowledge Sharing
Smart Card Solution
User Manual
JavaCard API Samples
Java Card Specification
Knowledge Sharing
All Known Subinterfaces: OwnerBioTemplate , SharedBioTemplate
The BioTemplate interface is the base interface for all biometric templates. It provides the user interface for accessing biometric functionality.
Field Summary | |
static short | MATCH_NEEDS_MORE_DATA This negative score value indicates that more data are needed to continue thematching session. |
static short | MINIMUM_SUCCESSFUL_MATCH_SCORE The minimum successful matching score. |
Method Summary | |
byte | getBioType () Get the biometric type. |
short | getPublicTemplateData (short publicOffset,byte[] dest,short destOffset,short length) Get public part of the reference template. |
byte | getTriesRemaining () Returns the number of times remaining that an incorrect candidatetemplate can be presented before the reference template is blocked. |
short | getVersion (byte[] dest,short offset) Get the matching algorithm version and ID. |
short | initMatch (byte[] candidate,short offset,short length) Initialize or re-initialize a biometric matching session. |
boolean | isInitialized () Returns true if the reference template is completely loaded and readyfor matching functions. |
boolean | isValidated () Returns true if the template has been successfully checked since the lastcard reset or last call to reset(). |
short | match (byte[] candidate,short offset,short length) Continues a biometric matching session. |
void | reset () Resets the validated flag associated with the reference template. |
Field Detail |
The minimum successful matching score.
See Also:Constant Field Values
static final short MATCH_NEEDS_MORE_DATA
This negative score value indicates that more data are needed to continue the matching session.
See Also:Constant Field Values
Method Detail |
boolean isInitialized()
Returns true if the reference template is completely loaded and ready for matching functions. This is independent of whether or not the match process has been initialized (see initMatch).
Returns:true if initialized, false otherwise.
boolean isValidated()
Returns true if the template has been successfully checked since the last card reset or last call to reset().
Returns:true if validated, false otherwise.
void reset()
Resets the validated flag associated with the reference template. This could be appropriate as a last action after an access is completed.
byte getTriesRemaining()
Returns the number of times remaining that an incorrect candidate template can be presented before the reference template is blocked.
Returns:the number of tries remaining
BioException - with the following reason codes:
byte getBioType()
Get the biometric type. Valid type are described in BioBuilder.
Returns:biometric general type.
short getVersion(byte[] dest, short offset)
Get the matching algorithm version and ID.
Parameters:dest - destination byte array.
offset - starting offset within the destination byte array.
Returns:number of bytes written in the destination byte array.
short getPublicTemplateData(short publicOffset, byte[] dest, short destOffset, short length) throws BioException
Get public part of the reference template. This method copies all or a portion of the reference public data to the destination array.
Parameters:publicOffset - starting offset within the public data.
dest - destination byte array.
destOffset - starting offset within the destination byte array.
length - maximum length in bytes of the requested data.
Returns:number of bytes written to the destination byte array.
0 if public data are not available.
BioException - with the following reason codes:
short initMatch(byte[] candidate, short offset, short length) throws BioException
Initialize or re-initialize a biometric matching session. The exact return
score value is implementation dependent and can be used, for example, to
code a confidence rate. If the reference is not blocked, a matching
session starts and, before any other processing, the validated flag is
reset and the try counter is decremented if the try counter has reached zero, the
reference is blocked. This method results in one of the following:
*The matching session ends with success state if the templates match.The validated flag is set and the try counter is reset to its maximum.
If the reference is blocked, no matching session starts and this method returns 0.
*A correct matching sequence is : initMatch,[match].Calling initMatch is mandatory, calling match is optional.
Parameters:candidate - - the data or part of the data of the candidate
offset - - starting offset into the candidate array where the
candidate data is to be found.
length - - number of bytes to be taken from the candidate array.
Returns:the matching score with the following meaning :
* > = MINIMUM_SUCCESSFUL_MATCH_SCORE : the matching session is successful
BioException - with the following reason codes:
short match(byte[] candidate, short offset, short length) throws BioException
Continues a biometric matching session. The exact return score value is
implementation dependent and can be used, for example, to code a
confidence rate. If a matching session is in progress, this method results
in one of the following:
*The matching session ends with success state if the templates match.The validated flag is set and the try counter is reset to its maximum.
*A correct matching sequence is : initMatch,[match].Calling initMatch is mandatory, calling match is optional.
Parameters:candidate - - the data or part of the data of the candidate
offset - - starting offset into the candidate array where the
candidate data is to be found.
length - - number of bytes to be taken from the candidate array.
Returns:the matching score with the following meaning :
* > = MINIMUM_SUCCESSFUL_MATCH_SCORE : the matching session is successful
BioException - with the following reason codes: