Smart Card Solution
User Manual
- R502 Manual
JavaCard API Samples
- Algorithm
Java Card Specification
Knowledge Sharing
Smart Card Solution
User Manual
JavaCard API Samples
Java Card Specification
Knowledge Sharing
All Implemented Interfaces: Remote
public class CardRemoteObjectextends Object implements Remote
A convenient base class for remote objects for the Java Card platform. An instance of a subclass of this CardRemoteObject class will be exported automatically upon construction.
Constructor Summary | |
CardRemoteObject () Creates a new CardRemoteObject and automatically exports it. |
Method Summary | |
static void | export (Remote obj) Exports the specified remote object. |
static void | unexport (Remote obj) Unexports the specified remote object. |
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object |
equals |
Constructor Detail |
public CardRemoteObject()
Creates a new CardRemoteObject and automatically exports it. When exported, the object is enabled for remote access from outside the card until unexported. Only when the object is enabled for remote access can it be returned as the initial reference during selection or returned by a remote method. In addition, remote methods can be invoked only on objects enabled for remote access.
Method Detail |
public static void export(Remote obj) throws SecurityException
Exports the specified remote object. The object is now enabled for remote access from outside the card until unexported. In order to remotely access the remote object from the terminal client, it must either be set as the initial reference or be returned by a remote method.
Parameters:obj - the remotely accessible object
Throws: SecurityException - if the specified obj parameter is not owned by the caller context
SystemException - with the following reason codes:
public static void unexport(Remote obj) throws SecurityException
Unexports the specified remote object. After applying this method,
the object cannot be remotely
accessed from outside the card until it is exported again.
Parameters:obj - the remotely accessible object
Throws: SecurityException - if the specified obj parameter is not owned by the caller context