Smart Card Solution
User Manual
- R502 Manual
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Java Card Specification
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Smart Card Solution
User Manual
JavaCard API Samples
Java Card Specification
Knowledge Sharing
TABLE 8-1 lists the formats required for the Select command for an RMI-based applet.
Note - (%b) indicates binary notation using bit numbering as in the ISO 7816 specification. The most significant bit is b8. The least significant bit is b1. An “x” notation represents a “don't care”.
The cc in bits (b2,b1) denote the origin logical channels number in the range 0-3.
The dddd in bits (b4-b1) denote the origin logical channel number 4-19 using 0 origin notation.
See TABLE 4-1 for CLA field encoding format.
Select by AID
Return FCI information. The bits (b2,b1) are used for partial selection, if supported. If bit b5 is 1, the remote reference descriptor uses the remote_ref_with_interfaces format, otherwise it uses the alternate remote_ref_with_class format.
Length of the AID
AID of the applet to be selected (between 5 and 16 bytes)
Following is the format of the response. Note that the applet may extend the format to include additional information, if necessary before sending the response back to the CAD. The additional information must retain the TLV format and must not introduce any additional information under the jc_rmi_data_tag.
The jc_rmi_data_length item is the combined length in bytes of the version item, invoke_ins item and the initial_ref item. The application_data_length item is jc_rmi_data_length + 2. The fci_length item is application_data_length + 2.
The response data includes invoke_ins, the instruction byte to use in the method invocation command. It also includes initial_ref, the initial remote object reference descriptor. The initial_ref item corresponds to the remote object designated as the initial reference to the RMIService instance during construction. The initial_ref item can be a normal_ref_response item described in Section, Normal Response Encoding or a null representation using a normal_null_response item described in that same section, if the initial remote reference object is not enabled for remote access. Also, note that if an error occurs during the marshalling of the initial remote reference descriptor, an error response is returned in initial_ref instead of using the error_response item format described in Section, Error Response Encoding.
Note - Even though the select_response structure uses the C-like “union” notation, the lengths of the alternate representations within the union do not use any padding to normalize their lengths.
The format of the remote_ref_descriptor to be used in this response as well as all subsequent responses (remote_ref_with_class or remote_ref_with_interfaces) is determined by the value of the P2 byte of the SELECT FILE command.
Note - Only the RMIService instance that processes the SELECT FILE command sets (or changes) the format of the remote object reference descriptor based on the value of the P2 byte. Once set or changed, the RMIService instance uses only that format in all Java Card RMI responses it generates.