Smart Card Solution
User Manual
- R502 Manual
JavaCard API Samples
- Algorithm
Java Card Specification
Knowledge Sharing
Smart Card Solution
User Manual
JavaCard API Samples
Java Card Specification
Knowledge Sharing
Normally, applet instances become selected only via a successful SELECT FILE command. However, some smart card CAD applications require a default card applet instance to become implicitly selected after every card reset. In addition, some CAD applications may also require a default applet selection when a new logical channel is opened.
In a similar manner, smart card proximity coupling device (PCD) applications require a default card applet instance to become implicitly selected after the proximity card (PICC) activation sequence successfully completes. In addition, default applet selection may also be required on each new logical channel opened during the contactless session.
The Java Card platform allows the card implementer to designate a default applet instance for each of the logical channels supported by the card. For any logical channel, the card implementation may designate an applet instance as the default applet instance for that logical channel. Alternatively, for any logical channel, the implementation may choose to designate no default applet instance at all. Logical channels may share the same applet instance as the default applet instance for more than one channel.
Upon card reset on the contacted interface and upon the completion of the PICC activation sequence on the contactless interface, only the basic logical channel (channel 0) is automatically opened. The default card applet instance for the contacted interface, if any, is therefore the default applet instance for logical channel 0 on the contacted interface. Similarly, the default card applet instance for the contactless interface, if any, is therefore the default applet instance for logical channel 0 on the contactless interface. A card that supports both I/O interfaces could designate a different applet instance as default for each interface.